The Weight of Clay

Pendulum (Weight of Clay) 
Coil-built ceramic, porcelain parts, multi-fired with slips, glazes, waxed linen twine
25” x 5” x 3.5”

Part of the interaction for the viewer is the intimacy of having to come right up to it and look up under to see the eyes.  The gallery did a beautiful job installing it higher so it looks suspended and mysteriously gazing downward.

This is one of the pieces that was hard to photograph.  It looks so different hanging up.  I had to build it on a flat surface. Then it was cut in pieces to get into the kiln.  I decided to leave all the cut lines apparent.  Once everything was epoxied and set I was able to work on the clay pendulum.   While building this piece I thought the pendulum should fall just below the knees.  Once the piece was on the wall, it took on a different feel.   I realized that the pendulum needed to fall below the feet.  More of a balancing act feeling. A feeling of the give and take of process. Of contemplation.  Time suspended. Holding onto something with that lump of clay.  Many possibilities, many little stories threaded together.



  1. Yes - lots of stories - quiet contemplative close, the weight of the world, balance, beauty . . . all woven together.
    Lovely piece.

  2. I like that "quiet contemplative close." You have a good way with words, Judy. Thank you.....

  3. maravilloso; gracias por mostrarlo.

    Besos y suerte

    1. Thank you for your comment! It is good to hear from you.


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