Happy 14974.930th Day

Even after all this time,
The sun never says to the earth,
"You owe me."
Look what happens with
A love like that.
It lights the whole sky.

 ~ Hafiz of Persia

sunset at Westport Union Landing State Park (located just before the Lost Coast of  California)


  1. Never knew there was a lost coast in California, Ha. so glad to have the sun, super post to think about.

    1. The Lost Coast is part of the King Range National Conservation Area and Sinkyone Wilderness State Park. It is a stretch of coastal land that is remote and pristine. The best way to experience it fully is to backpack hike it over several days. My love and I celebrate our anniversary every year here in the rain, fog, sand and ocean.....

  2. Wonderful quote.
    And that photo... I'm speechless!!

    1. This photo was taken right out the camper door! It was windy and cold. Just as the sun went down the wind stopped. It felt like the earth held its breath, just for a moment. Then the ocean roared and the wind started up again. Later the clouds cleared away revealing the moon smoky in a purple sky. Quite a sight, but I was too cold to stay out any longer!


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