Woes of a Part-Time Ceramic Picture Taker


There are days when auras are feeling purplish.
when a camera is just standoffish
and the lights (or lamps, they say) are a little bit dim.
Let's just say
 the tripod was feeling down,
the battery low,
the remote far away in its own little world
both diffusers out of their depth.
This was how it went
 on and on,
without a clue
from her above
time clicking and clucking away
At the last photo shoot.

(the sculpture is titled:  Hidden Fauna with Flora Spinning)


  1. Floppy eared rabbit! : ) Smiling with happiness (and a bit giggling). I also have to take photos. Still can't use various functions on the camera. : O Clueless and useless.

    1. I was having a very clumsy day. And I don't use the Big Camera too often. Nor tripods. Nor lights. And I forgot to take the skylight filter off. So I had to take the photos all over again. Oh well. I got extra practice :)

  2. I think she looks wonderfully mysterious with that lighting; I seem to take my best photos out of doors but sometimes that isn't possible. I am wondering how you transport your sculptures are they easily broken with the ears and leaves and such?

    1. I just finished packing 12 pieces heading out to Healdsburg. They are no more delicate than any ceramic figurine. Mainly I make sure they do not shift in their boxes. No movement is good. For shipping I do double box. I have shipped big pieces across the U.S. with no harm so far.
      While I am building these pieces I do keep in mind how they will ship, how they will be displayed and most of the the collector handling the piece. I am very aware of making sure nothing sticks out beyond the widest part of the piece.

  3. Good to read about your thoughts while making about shipping and packaging, thanks

    1. And I welcome your comments, Linda. Thank you! Happy July!

  4. Lovely shot. I like very much this red light. And the head of your svulpture of course ! Great title, so poetic: "Hidden Fauna with Flora Spinning".

  5. thank you...I setting up and the little remote clicked...sometimes the camera wants to do its own thing....


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